Team Coaching

6 Conditions for Team Effectiveness

Serious about creating a context for greater effectiveness?
Want to get your people to work together as a team?
Want to get fired up for a new project, new transition, new growth?
Where should you put your energy to lead great teams that are doing great work?

Team personalities, behavioural dynamics, conflict demotivation and lack of trust (or versions of the same) are often our best attempts to improve team effectiveness.

Although all of the above symptoms are worthy of your attention, 50 years of science-based, peer-review research has consistently shown that sound structure and processes drives high-performing team behaviours. Once sound structures are in place, the context for strong relationships, meaningful work, engaged team members and improved results for all stakeholders is improved by 60% variance.

“Launch the team well, and only then help members take the greatest possible advantage of their favorable performance circumstances. Indeed, my best estimate is that 60 percent of the variation in team effectiveness depends on the degree to which the six enabling conditions are in place, 30 percent on the quality of a team’s launch, and just 10 percent on the leader’s hands-on, real-time coaching.”― J. Richard Hackman, Collaborative Intelligence: Using Teams to Solve Hard Problems

Team leaders and team come from a variety of influences: corporate business, non-profit, for-profit, academia, social enterprise, as well as teams recovering from religious fundamentalism or disrupted cultures attempting to regain their voice following a toxic upheaval. And here is where they stay unless a decision is made to examine the current team structures and dynamics.

As a certified Team Coach and an advanced practitioner for the Team Diagnostic Survey©, this assessment identifies 6 conditions that together predict up to 80% of a teams effectiveness. This framework is a proprietary instrument development by Harvard scholars and practitioners, Richard Hackman, Ruth Wageman and Erin Lehman. This instrument and its underlying framework enables teams, team leaders and team facilitators to effectively design, launch and coach great teams.

If you want to discuss the acceleration of the learning and performance of your team, let’s talk.

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Here’s A Few Examples of Why Decision Makers Have Chosen to Focus on Team Effectiveness

Designed for the right foundation

They recognize that individuals come into a company, bringing their own worldview, their own right solutions, and their own perspectives on how to protect egos and roles. Hierarchy forms and the values conflict festers both above and below the surface. The focus on both essential and enabling conditions can collectively increase higher levels of effort, excellent quality work strategies and the full range of talent on the team.

Designed to enable continual progress

They recognize that there will be a rush back to the old normal unless old habits and broken and new learning is actualized. Team effectiveness includes the personal learning and growth of the team members as fostered by their experiences in the team.

Designed to attain value for all stakeholders

They recognize that task output must meet or exceed the needs of the team’s clients or stakeholders.

Designed to be better together

They recognize that a team has the powerful potential to become an increasingly capable performing unit over time.