Have we attended to cognitive functioning as superior leadership, to the exclusion or perceived inferiority of our biophysical intelligence?

Who decided that burning the candle at both ends was superior leadership?

Who decided that a restful sleep was optional for health and wellness sustainability of leadership? Will you decide for you?

Who decided these cultural norms?
Who will decide to notice, name and choose a healthier way of sustainable leadership?

All leadership is personal leadership.
All leadership growth is personal growth.

Take care of YOU, the leader, the human, the person who embodies your values and purpose and contribution.

Lead yourself in sleep habits so that your wake habits are both credible and sustainable.

No, there will never be enough time to complete all the projects, answer all the emails or do all the things.

Yes, prioritizing what matters most requires you to be intentional in consistent grit and discipline.

How intentional are you in these 3 top priorities?





Reaching out during grief works both ways.
We're thankful when others support us, and we can assist our own healing by offering support to those who are grieving.

Extending kindness to others is a means of extending kindness to ourselves.

It helps them.
It helps us.
That's because we are actually one with others. We are all connected like undifferentiated drops in a single ocean.

Practising empathy heals humanity.

When the time is right for you.

Lead yourself well.

(adapted from the writings of Alan D. Wolfert)
