Your neurons don't care if your focus is conscious, subconscious or nonconscious. They will simply continue to fire in the super highways of your default thinking and doing.
Believe me, it takes grit and work to disrupt the usual ways of thinking and doing to disrupt, unlink, unwire and unsync the habits of being.
Leading yourself well includes a 'notice and name' of your specific super highways of thinking/doing that are not adding to your quality of work and life as you had imagined.
Pause daily.
Reflect. Contemplate.
Make the invisible, visible.
Make the subconscious, conscious.
Invite trusted others to help you observe your self-leadership and self-awareness and self-blind spots.
Yes, I understand that life is super busy all the time.
Yes, I understand that some of the world will fall part if you are not available 24/7.
Yes, I understand that people are watching you and you want to role model well.
Yes, I understand that life is complicated and complex.
Yes, I understand that you want to blame other people and other things for how you are right now. (And I understand that there is truth in those words.)
And yes, I understand that you are the only one who can do the deeper work for you and within you - or you will continue thinking/doing what you've always done.
Yes, I understand it's hard work.
And I invite you to this hard work.
It's all way too much fun to have alone. Join the humans who are doing the hard work of unlinking and unsyncing the neural pathways that no longer serve your values and greater meaning in work and life.
Notice. Name. Choose.
Lead yourself well.
How is your team showing up?
Hmm, interesting.
Notice and Name.
Lead yourself well.
Sunday check-in.
You can't do it all. But you will believe that you need to do it all. Especially when you are zoomed in to the unending list of tasks at hand. And yes, they all are urgent and all are connected.
Hmmm, interesting thought.
Try this. Zoom out to the vision of yourself operating in this way.
Is it sustainable?
Is it reasonable?
What are the options?
What are the attachments?
What brought you to this place?
Where is this taking you?
If you had no vested interest in this, how would you look at it?
Lead yourself well in the questions that do not have easy answers.
And as much as possible, be intentional about seeing out the joy and humour of being alive on this messy, beautiful planet.
Saturday check-in with your big, beautiful, brilliant life.
(It is, you know. Your life is all of those descriptors.)
Have you been too busy or too distracted or too zoomed in to what is right in front of you that you have neglected time to zoom out to the bigger vision of who you are, and who you are becoming.
Please, never lose sight of the need to check in with who you are (includes values, meaning, purpose, strengths, love language, working genius, preferences of environment where you can be your favourite self, how you talk to yourself, and how you want to keep growing and maybe about a dozen more details).
Okay, that is way TOO MUCH processing for a Saturday morning, yes?
How about this? Just for this Saturday, notice what fills you and what depletes you and savour the moments of 'filling'.
In summary, you are the Chief Executive Officer of your own life. Take time to execute what matters to your soul.
Lead yourself well.