Empowering leadership that makes a sustainable impact is tough work.
Changing patterns of ways of doing, thinking, being is tough work.
If we want different results, it's much more than changing behaviours. It is noticing the thoughts, feelings, emotions and psychobiology that inform the patterns.
Sustainable patterns that serve values-based, purpose-driven leadership is more than a shuffle of external patterns - they must include a deeper internal change of patterns. That's the juiciness of neuroplasticity and solid, sound leadership effectiveness.
Lead yourself well.
Courage is the tipping point of something better.
Courage is the bravery and willingness to take a stand against previously held negative or disempowering beliefs and actions.
Bringing it to awareness is a courage act of learning, growing, changing and moving thoughts to action. Ultimately, repeated action is the gold of neuroplasticity and change at a cellular level.
It's all really quite brave, don't you think?
Notice. Name. Choose.
In everything - as much as possible - find the gift of gratefulness.
Our history is not perfect.
Our present state is not perfect.
The future will probably not be perfect either.
In everything - as much as possible - find the gift of gratefulness.
Wherever you can.
As often as you can.
With as much heart and soul as you can.
I hope you can find some happy while giving thanks these days.
Lead yourself well.
Being thankful for all of it, doesn't feel do-able so much of the time.
That's fair.
Befriend the dissonance when and as you can.
Hold gratitude and thankfulness for what you can.
Think on things that are good. Think on the blessings without ignoring the ick.
Everything belongs.
It all matters.
YOU matter.
AND I'm grateful for you.
Are you grateful for you?
Thankfulness is more than a day. It's a chosen way of being. Lead yourself sell.