If everything is perfect right now - don't change a thing

If you want change, consider working with a leadership coach.

If you want meaningful work, with a life that works, consider working with a leadership coach.

If you want to lead yourself well, consider working with a leadership coach. After all, whatever actions you take or don't take, YOU are the instrument through which you act. EVERYTHING you do is impacted by that instrument. EVERYTHING.

Lead yourself well.


Our lived experience often dictates are ways of responding, reacting and showing up at work and in life.

Our behaviours are in response to our basic human needs of belonging, safety, worthiness and significance. We will organize our careers and relationships and social times in many ways to meet our most basic needs.

There is a time and place to double-click on the invisible to make it visible.

What behaviours are in direct response to something that was not present for you at one point in your life?

What is the worldview that you choose in response to something that was not present at one point in your life?

No shame. No blame. No judgement.
Only an invitation to notice and name what was not present - and a choice of how you would like to respond now, this time?

Lead yourself well.

Just because you don't talk about it, doesn't mean your loss isn't real and valid.

Just because others are dismissive of your loss, doesn't mean your loss isn't real and valid.

Just because your current culture and environment may be grief-illiterate, doesn't mean your loss isn't real and valid.

Validate your loss by noticing and naming it.
Choose how you want to allow yourself to process and pass through this loss.

If only the loss in either work and life contexts were more simple. Sadly, it's not. The only way through is through.

What does courage in your loss, look like for you today?

Lead yourself well.

You love learning.
You gather and garner information like a kid in a candy shop.
You devour books and articles and are on a continuous scroll for more information.

Your body has an incredible amount of data.
Are you listening?

Internal learning.
The power of perspective, metaphor and ways of viewing yourself and the world. - priceless.

Don't neglect 'you the person' in your constant search for input and meaning-making.

Don't miss gathering and garnering information from what your body is trying to communicate to you - ways of being and doing in active meaning-making for your leadership.

Listen to what matters......

Lead yourself well.

