Personal Development

Here are some key outcomes you can expect from personal development groups

Gain clarity and progress

Your core values and purpose reside in the limbic system, which lacks language, making it challenging for even the smartest people to articulate their deepest principles or higher purpose. The Values Blueprint model will help you discover the language to express your values and purpose, forming the confident foundation of your leadership journey.

Strengthen key leadership practices and competencies

The world is evolving quickly, but we can still take charge of our growth and leadership. Enhance your self-awareness and adaptability by understanding the neuroscience of change and how it applies to you, right now.

Learn about the neuroscience of trust

Trust is core to every relationship in business and life. Without trust, you may experience success in short-term transactions, but you will not build long-term trusted relationships. Learn why humans are addicted to being right (distrust) and how our brains are wired for connection (trust) and how to build Conversational Intelligence®.

Everything lives in language

The parts of your brain that control language are also involved in regulating your heart rate, hormones, immune system and breathing. this is why the words you use and hear daily shape your brain to influence how you feel and think.  Learn the neuroscience of why every word matters. 