Be there.
Full present to the other.
Without judgement or pretense.
Without fault-finding or fixing.
Listening deeply.
Listening to what is said and what is unsaid.
Listening to the visible and the invisible.

Creating respectful space for next steps to surface, be processed in unhurried time and access wisdom for a unique journey and situation.
True listening is a gift we can offer one another.


Lead yourself well.

Practicing the behaviour that you want others to follow, is on your shoulders. Let's call it agency and awareness and a life dedicated to leading yourself well.

Check in on your own behaviours:

People may hear your words, but your actions and ways of being will be the louder communication.

Lead yourself well.

I have a few hobbies, and they bring me great wonder and delight.

I have many friends.
Some friends I have known a life-time and they are treasurers that money can't buy.
Some friends were accidental, through shared work, shared values, shared purpose, or shared random conversations in random coffee shops or on random street corners.

I get jazzed about the human connection of real meeting real, whether it is in humour or seriousness.

I think I'll continue to cultivate and enjoy old and new meaningful conversations until my last breath on this planet.


What are your hobbies? And how do they add to the meaning and quality of your work and life?

Lead yourself well.


Empowering leadership that makes a sustainable impact is tough work.

Changing patterns of ways of doing, thinking, being is tough work.

If we want different results, it's much more than changing behaviours. It is noticing the thoughts, feelings, emotions and psychobiology that inform the patterns.

Sustainable patterns that serve values-based, purpose-driven leadership is more than a shuffle of external patterns - they must include a deeper internal change of patterns. That's the juiciness of neuroplasticity and solid, sound leadership effectiveness.

Lead yourself well.


