Maybe you are all set for a perfect Hallmark Christmas (is that even a thing?).
Maybe work, life, finances and joy are all a perfect match right now.
But if not (and if you are like me) and ALSO are experiencing the dissonance of complexity, grief, partially-realized aspirations blended with awkward and really tough challenges - then use whatever strength and agency you can access, and check in with someone from your support team over this Christmas season.
(The tinsel and the turkey can wait for the gift of your presence.)
Your body, brain and mind will appreciate a non-judgemental, safe place of refuge to process peace and wisdom.
If your support group is not available to you right now, what else might give you a felt sense of support in leading yourself?
With grace.
You have my best.
Take care of your basic human needs this season.
I know you are carrying a tremendous amount of responsibility for others.
That is admirable. Often necessary.
What is equally admirable and always necessary - is leading yourself well in a myriad of practical details that position your health of mind, body, brain and soul (for the long game).
It's okay to make some big changes of your dignity and health this year.
Please make those big changes.
You have my best.
Lead yourself well.
You've heard it said, 'what you focus on will grow'.
You've heard it said 'what you focus on repeatedly, day in and day out, will grow'.
Think about your lived experience to date:
* You've experienced what it is to focus on a worry, and have the worry grow.
* You've experience what it is to focus on fear, and have the fear grow.
* You've experienced what it is to focus on a goal, and taste the outcome of that goal.
As you focus on your deeply-held core values, meaningful purpose, your highest priorities and 'why' the desired new reconstructed neural connection is important - neuroplasticity will support the reframe, rewire and redirect process of lasting change.
Ways of being and ways of thinking have been shaped in your brain, body and mind over time and repetition (consciously, subconsciously or nonconsciously).
Leadership and neuroplasticity can be directed to be the best of friends in a dynamic, evolving world of work and life.
Lead yourself well.
Be there.
Full present to the other.
Without judgement or pretense.
Without fault-finding or fixing.
Listening deeply.
Listening to what is said and what is unsaid.
Listening to the visible and the invisible.
Creating respectful space for next steps to surface, be processed in unhurried time and access wisdom for a unique journey and situation.
True listening is a gift we can offer one another.
Lead yourself well.