One of the under acknowledged attributes and virtues of leadership, is the brave attention to loss.

Cheers to the courageous ones who allow the integration of loss to be acknowledged and validated.

What is your loss? A person, a dream, health, a relationship, a pet, the life you thought you'd live, ________________.

Everyone grieves, but it takes courage to mourn, to acknowledge and allow the 'homesickness' with no home to return to.

In loss and grief, it takes time for wounds to fade into scars. Give yourself that time of acknowledging the vastness of your loss, without judgement, shame, blame or condemnation.

Lead yourself well in the grit of learning and losing and validating the full human experience.



All growth is personal growth.

If everything is perfect about your work and life - don't change a thing.

If it interests you to be your favourite self in work and life - and you are keen to do the seriously fun work of personal growth and personal development in the messy middle of real life - let me know if you want to be added to the waitlist for the next coaching group in February 2025.

Based on some of the latest neuroscience and global coaching competencies, this personal development coaching group meets bi-weekly by zoom for 6 months. This attention and focus over time is intentionally designed so that the learning is embodied at a cellular level for long term success and sustainability. Cool, eh?

The days will pass anyway. Why not schedule personal time and personal responsibility for navigating change and positive growth for what matters most?

Lead yourself well.



Grief and loss - I know what it is. So do you, yes?

Suppression is one of the ways our culture attends to the human expression of grief and loss. Here's what we know about this - it refuses to stay suppressed for ever. One day, it will explode or implode or both.

Although our grief is about us, it is also about the legacy we influence.

Whether your grief and loss is related to a person, a pet, a passion, aspirations and dream, health or past lived experiences, your grief or another's grief - it's never too late to process what mattered.

Next Grief and Loss Coaching Support Group begins in February 2025. Let me know if you want to added to the waitlist.
[email protected]
1:1 coaching support available any time.

Lead yourself well.

I have a few hobbies, and they bring me great wonder and delight.

I have many friends.
Some friends I have known a life-time and they are treasurers that money can't buy.
Some friends were accidental, through shared work, shared values, shared purpose, or shared random conversations in random coffee shops or on random street corners.

I get jazzed about the human connection of real meeting real, whether it is in humour or seriousness.

I think I'll continue to cultivate and enjoy old and new meaningful conversations until my last breath on this planet.


What are your hobbies? And how do they add to the meaning and quality of your work and life?

Lead yourself well.

