In everything - as much as possible - find the gift of gratefulness.

Our history is not perfect.
Our present state is not perfect.
The future will probably not be perfect either.

In everything - as much as possible - find the gift of gratefulness.
Wherever you can.
As often as you can.
With as much heart and soul as you can.

I hope you can find some happy while giving thanks these days.

Lead yourself well.

You can and should be intentional about how you lead yourself in the following ways:

It's a lot, isn't it? You don't have to arrive or achieve it all today. But thoughtfully consider what matters most to you right now - and what will matter most to you in 10 years - and set your actions to follow your intentions.

You may have to miss out on a few things to be intentional about what matters most.

Lead yourself well.

How honest can you be about your recent loss?

Who is listening, acknowledging and honouring how you really are?

Are you nice-sizing it? Are you making it more palatable for other's comfort? Are you making it more palatable for your comfort?

"You are fine. Everything is fine." (??)

Notice and name that a felt sense of loss is valid, legit and worth your attention.

Honour what is.
Befriend grief for it's love and attachments, for it's learning and it's companion in genuine realities.
Everything belongs.

Notice and name.

Choose to lead yourself well in the messy middle of loss and grief.

Many of us have been raised and educated in a culture that honours the brain, but dissociates the body and mind.

Your mind never sleeps. Your thoughts are tiny packets of proteins that are fueled by your perspectives (and the stories you tell yourself and choose to believe). Our thoughts have an attachment to all the emotions associated with every memory (dozens of emotions, not just one).

Your body keeps score and has SO MUCH information and data for you. Can you perceive what it is communicating to you? Are you listening?

Mind, body and brain work together to make us who we are, and informs how we show up in the world. From this place, we can navigate complex situations, and experience major shifts in meaning, satisfaction and quality of what matters most.

The best leadership involves your WHOLE person of mind, body, brain. Capitalize on your WHOLE self in your personal development and leadership growth. Use your brain but don't neglect the data from your body and brain.

Notice and Name.

Choose to lead yourself well.

