You are the human instrument through which everything happens. Everything.

If you want positive change....
If you are ready, willing and able to invest in your development....
Consider enrollment in a one-hour, 6-month personal development learning group, that is based on the neuroscience of change.

Modules include:

1. Clarity and momentum in values
..........(with a view you have probably not heard of or considered before)⁠
2. Clarity and momentum in meaningful purpose
..........(how many people do you know that can answer life's 5 big questions without referring to a role, title, status or comparison: Who am I? Where am I going? How will I get there? Who is going with me? Why does it matter?)⁠
3. Neuroscience of trust
..........(to build trust is the #1 cultural priority of psychological safety, belonging, connection and maximizing 'better together' in any way)⁠
4. Applied Learning of Trust and Level 3 Conversations
..........(trust is the currency of all thriving sustainable relationships in business and life)⁠
5. Neuroscience of change and presence
..........(if you want to see change around you, you must lead yourself first in noticing your way of showing up that opens or closes others to the influence you seek to make)⁠
6. Everything lives in language
..........(there are worlds in words, they are rarely neutral)⁠

Fee is $185+gst per month (for 6 months)
Option of once a month 1:1 coaching available for $85+gst per session.
CDN funds please.

DM or email [email protected] for a copy of the syllabus.

If you are unsure, if this is a good fit for you or your staff team and would like to experience a one-off coaching session with me, please email [email protected] and ask for my calendar for a one-time offer of one-hour coaching for $70+gst. (limited availability)

Lead yourself well.


Leadership is a mind-body-brain experience.

If this fall is a good time for you (or your leadership team) to elevate leadership capacity....
If you/they are ready, willing and able to integrate new ways to lead well...
Consider enrollment in a one-hour, 6-month executive learning group, that is based on the neuroscience of change.

We will cover the following information:
1. Foundations of sustainable leadership with a life that works⁠
2. The most important leadership habit⁠
3. The neuroscience of trusted communications⁠
4. Essential difficult conversations⁠
5. The neuroscience of whole-person leadership (mind, body and brain)⁠
6. The HOW is more important than the WHAT of leadership⁠

Fee is $275+gst per month (for 6 months)
Option of once a month 1:1 coaching available for $85+gst per session.
CDN funds please.

DM or email [email protected] for a copy of the syllabus.

If you are unsure, if this is a good fit for you or your staff team and would like to experience a one-off coaching session with me, please email [email protected] and ask for my calendar for a one-time offer of one-hour coaching for $70+gst. (limited availability)

Lead yourself well.

How do you feel about your work life and culture?
How do you feel about your work-life balance?

Our senses gather information from the environment and our nervous system processes the data. The nervous system regulates the emotions which influences our experience.

Notice what information is being collected by your nervous system. How will you respond to the information?

Notice the judgements, blame, toxicity or positivity in your response. Not right or wrong - just a helpful notice to help support what you can (and choose) to control in your environment.

One notice at a time can create a positive connection in your nervous system. Yes, you are worth this work and worth the time it takes to honour and respect your nervous system. This is mind-body-brain leadership.

Lead yourself well.

What if there was a way to communicate more authentically more often, while maintaining dignity without oversharing?

Ooooh wait, there IS a way to do that.

It involves personal growth.
It involves leaving the comfort zone of "I'm fine. Everything is fine."
It involves having the will to be authentic and to bear witness to the authenticity of others.
It involves doing the work of discovering the language that reflects how you are, in a way that connects with others, but doesn't require a deep follow up conversation of therapy or positive thinking or solution finding.l

Authentic connections. It's one of the many things that business and life cultures long for. Do the work. Be more you, more often, with respectful authentic language.

Lead yourself well.
