Take care of your basic human needs this season.

I know you are carrying a tremendous amount of responsibility for others.
That is admirable. Often necessary.

What is equally admirable and always necessary - is leading yourself well in a myriad of practical details that position your health of mind, body, brain and soul (for the long game).

It's okay to make some big changes of your dignity and health this year.

Please make those big changes.

You have my best.

Lead yourself well.

Be there.
Full present to the other.
Without judgement or pretense.
Without fault-finding or fixing.
Listening deeply.
Listening to what is said and what is unsaid.
Listening to the visible and the invisible.

Creating respectful space for next steps to surface, be processed in unhurried time and access wisdom for a unique journey and situation.
True listening is a gift we can offer one another.


Lead yourself well.

Have you noticed that every December, there is a compulsion to volunteer at the food bank, the local shelters and/or to find a way to serve others who may not have access to some of the basic human dignities?

Why does this value of service becomes bold font in action in December?

What is it in you, that compels you to add this 'one more thing' into a schedule that is already crammed, bursting and overflowing with more intentions than time or energy?

Why will you serve?
How will you serve?
Who will you serve?
Will you serve?
What if you don't serve?
What if you serve more often than December?

What's in it for you?
What's in it for others?
Why does it matter?
What's the value that may want more attention, as you begin to strategize for more meaning, better boundaries and increased self-leadership for 2025?

We are often a great mystery to our self. What's here now that you may have never noticed before?

Lead yourself well this December.


December is here (one week in already).

Check in with yourself.
Cognitive check-in.
Interoception check-in.
Proprioception check-in.

What if December's self-leadership focus was being-related rather than doing-related?

What if?

December can be an incredibly difficult month to lead yourself well. It's okay not to reach for the stars, or stay addicted to perfection in all things. It's okay to invite wisdom to inform how you will 'be', rather than what you will 'do' this December.

Lead yourself well (while choosing the pace of the race toward quotas, completed lists, balanced budgets, and expectations of self and others by December 31.)

How will you BE?

You have my best.

