Manage your nervous system - it's one of the most important things you can do.
When your attention and focus reminds you of what is 'not' in your control, invite your grit to create more space between stimuli and response to weaken the quick synapse of toxic stress and fear-based reactions within your mind-body-brain connection.
Your default attention will take the path most familiar, which may not be helpful to your leadership and wellness (for self and others). Notice that?
An intentional values-based pause is helpful in managing the nervous system, so that you can access and apply executive thinking to the challenges around you.
Lead yourself well.
Have you noticed that every December, there is a compulsion to volunteer at the food bank, the local shelters and/or to find a way to serve others who may not have access to some of the basic human dignities?
Why does this value of service becomes bold font in action in December?
What is it in you, that compels you to add this 'one more thing' into a schedule that is already crammed, bursting and overflowing with more intentions than time or energy?
Why will you serve?
How will you serve?
Who will you serve?
Will you serve?
What if you don't serve?
What if you serve more often than December?
What's in it for you?
What's in it for others?
Why does it matter?
What's the value that may want more attention, as you begin to strategize for more meaning, better boundaries and increased self-leadership for 2025?
We are often a great mystery to our self. What's here now that you may have never noticed before?
Lead yourself well this December.
You made it through the week. Barely or smashingly?
It's November.
Notice what is happening in your mind-brain-body connection and adjust accordingly. Even a small action is a significant change. (What will it be?)
(Also, engage in a wise double-click on the word 'balance'. Is that even the word you really want to keep using?)
Lead yourself well, especially if this is a bleak November for a multitude of reasons.
Do you what you can. As you can.
Right foot. Left foot. Breathe.
Right foot. Left foot. Breathe.
Lead yourself well.
Leadership Recommendations from LR:
Spoiler alert: personal leadership growth is a life-long commitment to meaningful work with a life that works.
Lead yourself well.